The game of choice over the last six months or so now has been Pathfinder. Back before we started playing, I read a bunch of modern rulebooks for D&D, and they just didn't do it for me. Pathfinder also feels a bit too detailed and book-keepy, but I felt like the d20 system would be easier for everyone else to grasp as they are all first-time RPGers. If I had it to do again from the start, I would probably choose either the original version of AD&D or maybe even Warhammer Roleplay. Alas.
Here's a pic of the family's party. My older son (12) is the big half orc tank. My younger son (4) plays the ninja. . . of course. Wifey leads the party as a half elf cleric, and they are joined by the NPC summoner and her Battlecat-esque familiar "Sambo."
Half orc fighter, cleric, summoner, and pet are from Reaper; the ninja is an Anima Tactics fig |
When there are no other players locally, you breed your own I guess.
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